A Guide To Verbal Cat Communication

Welcome to the purr-fect world of feline linguistics! Cat boast an impressive vocabulary of up to 21 distinct vocalizations, each a note in the symphony of cat communication. It's not just meows and purrs; it's a real language that can be as complex as a human conversation.

What Are At-Home Dog DNA Tests?

Have you ever looked at your furry friend and wondered about their ancestry? In the age of technology, people have been satisfying their curiosity with at home cat and dog breed DNA tests. These tests claim to unveil the hidden secrets of our canine companions' lineage, but how accurate are they?

Why Are Owners Interested In Their Dog’s Breed

A dog breed DNA test offers essential insights for pet owners curious about their dog's genetic makeup. Understanding the breed composition provides valuable information on health risks and predispositions, enabling proactive healthcare. It also reveals behavioral traits, aiding in personalized training and strengthening the bond between owner and pet. For those with rescue or mixed-breed dogs, the test unravels the mystery of their heritage, satisfying curiosity and deepening the connection with their pet.

The Science Behind Dog Breed DNA Tests

Before we look into accuracy, let's understand the science behind these tests. Dog breed DNA tests work by analyzing specific regions of a dog's DNA known as markers or SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). These markers are compared to a reference database of known dog breeds to determine the dog's genetic heritage. Fun fact! Mars Petcare developed the first canine DNA test in 2007

Ancestral Complexity The accuracy of dog breed DNA tests largely depends on the complexity of a dog's ancestry. If your pup has a straightforward lineage dominated by one or two breeds, the test results tend to be quite accurate. However, when your dog's family tree is more like a dense forest with numerous branches, accuracy can be challenging to achieve.

The accuracy of DNA tests varies among different breeds. For purebred dogs, the tests are more reliable. However, for mixed-breed dogs, the accuracy drops. So, the more mixed the ancestry, the less precise the results.

The Role of the Reference Database Another crucial factor affecting accuracy is the size and diversity of the reference database. The reference database is a collection of DNA samples from purebred dogs of known ancestry. The larger and more diverse this database is, the better the test can identify less common breeds and accurately pinpoint your dog's genetic makeup.

Companies like Embark and Wisdom Panel have extensive reference databases that include a wide range of breeds, increasing the chances of accurate results.

Sample Quality The quality of the DNA sample collected from your dog's cheek swab or saliva can impact results. Contaminated or insufficient samples may lead to less accurate outcomes.

Surprising Discoveries While accuracy is important, it's worth noting that dog DNA tests can also reveal some unexpected and delightful surprises and may uncover a breed in your dog's ancestry that you never suspected. It's a fun twist to the journey of understanding your furry friend better.



Why Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?

Cats possess an incredible ability that has captured human attention for generations: the skill to land on their feet. What’s the science behind this captivating cat superpower? It comes down to a combination of biomechanics, reflexes, and physics. Cats are known for their exceptional agility, and their bodies are designed to facilitate the impressive acrobatics.

11 Holiday Safety Tips For Your Pet

As the holiday season approaches, our homes transform into bustling hubs of celebration. Among the twinkling lights and festive feasts, it's essential to remember the well-being of our beloved pets. While they eagerly partake in the holiday excitement, their safety must remain a priority.

Mind the Decorations: Holiday decorations can be fascinating to our pets but can also be dangerous. Keep a close eye on tinsel, ribbon, and small ornaments that could be choking hazards. Opt for pet-friendly decorations and secure larger ones out of your pet's reach.

Create a Calm Retreat: Holiday gatherings can be overwhelming for pets with all the noise and commotion. Designate a quiet, safe space where your furry friend can retreat when they need a break. Provide comfortable bedding, water, and their favorite comfort items to make it an inviting, relaxing place.

Watch the Door: Holiday gatherings mean more people coming and going from your home. Keep an eye on your pets near the door, as they may try to slip outside, especially if they're anxious or curious about the guests.

Secure the Trash: The aroma of holiday leftovers can be irresistible to pets. Ensure trash cans are securely closed or kept in a pet-proof area to prevent scavenging, which can lead to digestive issues.

Pet-Proof Your Feast: Be cautious about what your pets consume while indulging in holiday feasts. Many human foods, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, and alcohol, can be toxic to pets. A trigger for pancreatitis in our furry friends often stems from the consumption of high-fat foods. During holiday seasons, this can include indulgences such as turkey (especially the skin), fatty leftovers, gravy, bacon, and dishes with butter. Keep festive foods out of their reach and discourage guests from feeding them table scraps. Never give your pet cooked bones. Bones can splinter into shards that injure your pet's mouth and digestive tract. They can also harden in their intestines, causing a blockage.

Be Cautious with Candles: If you're using candles for ambiance, place them out of your pet's reach. Curious pets can knock them over and cause fires or burns. Consider using flameless, battery-operated candles as a safer alternative.

Limit Access to Electrical Cords: Holiday lights and decorations often come with electrical cords that can attract pets. Use cord covers or secure them in a way that keeps your pets from chewing on them, which can lead to electrical shock.

Avoid Harmful Plants: Certain holiday plants, like poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly, can be toxic to pets if ingested. Keep them away, or consider using artificial alternatives to keep your pets safe and your home festive. Curious about which other plants are harmful to your pets? Click here to find out!

Introduce Your Pet to New Faces: If you're hosting guests, especially those with children or other pets, ensure proper introductions with your own pets. Some pets may be anxious around unfamiliar faces, so a gradual introduction can help ease tension. Remind guests, especially children, how to properly interact with your pet to avoid potential anxiety in your pet that may result in a reactive bite or scratch. If your pet isn't fond of company, escort them to their safe space and check on them during the event.

On The Road Again: If the holiday takes you on a road trip, make sure your pet is wearing proper identification, a harness that is secured to a tether or doggy seat belt (do not attach any restraint directly to their collar), or place them in their crate (secured to the vehicle in the event of an accident). Bring food/treats, bowls, water, leash, potty supplies, blanket, medication, first-aid kit, toys, and vet documents. Create a list of emergency vets along your route in case of emergency or illness.

Exercise Your Pal: Be mindful of your pet's need for proper exercise during the busy season. Create a schedule that allows time to care for your pet, or call your local pet-sitting company for assistance!


Why Do Dogs Circle Before Lying Down?

You've undoubtedly observed the routine of scratching, pawing, and meticulous circling your pup performs before settling into slumber. But what lies behind this endearing quirk? Let's dig into the intriguing motivation behind your dog's nighttime or nap-time antics.

Why Do Cats Love Catnip?

Have you ever wondered why your kitty loves catnip so much? If so, join us for an enchanting journey into the fascinating intertwinement of cats and catnip!

Catnip, scientifically known as Nepeta cataria, possesses remarkable power over our furry feline friends. The secret lies in the aromatic compound nepetalactone found in the leaves and stems of the plant. When cats encounter catnip, their sensory journey begins.

Cats' olfactory receptors are activated upon inhaling or ingesting nepetalactone, triggering a cascade of reactions. These responses can vary from cat to cat but commonly include a delightful display of playfulness, silliness, and relaxation. Some kitties drool or may swat as they are super frisky now!

Scientifically speaking, catnip induces a behavioral response called "catnip sensitivity" in approximately 50-75% of cats. It's an inherited trait, and kittens usually don't show interest until they are around three to six months old, when they display genetic sensitivity.

When under the influence of catnip, cats may engage in playful antics like rolling, rubbing, running, and leaping. It's their version of a blissful escape, a moment of pure joy and excitement. The effects typically last for around 10 to 15 minutes before cats enter a temporary refractory period, during which they become temporarily immune to catnip's allure.

Catnip isn't just about fun and games; it can also serve practical purposes. Many cat owners use catnip as an enrichment tool to encourage play and mental stimulation. Catnip-infused toys and scratching posts can entice cats to engage in healthy activities, keeping them physically active and mentally sharp.

It's important to note that catnip is generally safe and non-addictive, but like anything, moderation is key. Offering excessive amounts of catnip may lead to temporary digestive issues or lethargy. So, remember to use it in moderation and provide your feline friends with a well-rounded and balanced environment.

Go ahead and embrace the magic of catnip, let your cat frolic in its playful embrace, and enjoy the delightful bond that forms between you and your feline companion. Science has never been so entertaining!


Do Dogs Dream?

Welcome to our whimsical exploration of one of life's greatest mysteries: Do dogs dream? If you've ever seen your pup twitching, running, or even woofing while they sleep, you've likely pondered the fascinating world that unfolds in their slumber. Join us on this adventure as we embark on a journey into the realm of doggy dreamland!

How Does Your Pet's Microchip Work?

Microchipping your pet is a common and highly recommended practice in today's world. It provides pet owners with the best possible chance of being reunited with their beloved furry friends if they ever go missing. While many people may be familiar with the term "microchip," few know exactly how it works. So, let's explore this technology a bit further.

When Should a Cat Scratcher Be Replaced?

As a pet sitting company, we understand that your feline friend's scratching behavior can sometimes be a mystery. You may have already provided them with a scratching outlet, but how do you know when it's time to replace it? We've got you covered with some advice to help you brush up on your knowledge about your feline's instinctual scratching habits and provide some tips on when it's time to order a replacement scratcher.

Why Do Cats Need to Scratch?

Nail & Paw Health: Scratching is crucial for your cat's nail and paw health. It helps remove the outer layer of their nails, keeping them clean and debris-free.  It's no surprise that cats often visit their scratchers after using the litter box - they're particular about their hygiene!  The vigorous motion also provides a good workout that helps keep their paw muscles strong and stretched while satisfying their innate scratching instinct.

Scent Marking: Scratching isn't just about physical health. It's also a way for cats to mark their territory and express themselves. By scratching, they leave behind their own personal scent, which tells other animals what "belongs" to them. They also like to leave behind their scent on items that bring them joy, like their favorite scratcher!

Self Soothe: There are also self-soothing benefits of scratching, which can come in handy when your cat is feeling particularly excited like during their meal preparation and playtime, or during stress, like during a thunderstorm or when the vacuum is in use.

Types of Scratching Styles

When it comes to types of scratching styles, some cats prefer to scratch at items that lie horizontally, such as carpets, rugs, or furniture seats. These kitties would likely prefer a scratching pad or lounge that lays flat. On the other hand, cats that prefer to scratch vertically - like the backs of sofas, curtains, or corners of walls - would likely enjoy scratching posts or cat trees. And, of course, many cats are ambidextrous scratchers, meaning they enjoy both horizontal and vertical options.

what affects the longevity of a Scratching Pad?

The material it's made of plays a big role. Carpet and wood options tend to last longer than sisal fiber or corrugated cardboard. Additionally, the cat's frequency of use, breed/temperament/age, and the number of cats in the home all factor into a scratcher's lifespan. TIP! Regular nail trimmings can help extend the life of a scratcher.

When Should a Cat Scratcher Be Replaced?

There is no set time frame in which a scratcher should be replaced. A good rule of thumb is to take a look at it and check for signs of wear and tear.  If the carpet or rope is fraying, the cardboard is torn to bits, or your kitty has lost interest in their previously-loved post, it's time for a replacement. Not only will this help maintain your furry friend's paw health, but it will also prevent them from turning to your furniture or rugs for scratching satisfaction or ingesting pieces that have fallen off of the scratcher.

Below are examples of scratchers that need to be replaced:

Pet MD

Thinking of Hiring a Home Watch Service?

If you’re flocking north for the season or taking an extended vacation, scheduling a regular Home Watch Service will give you peace-of-mind while you’re away.

Our Home Watch Service is a valuable service that helps protect your home and property through regular onsite inspections to ensure there are no signs of immediate or potential damage or danger. We’re your eyes and ears while you are away and can be scheduled for any frequently desired. Your home watch visit is tailored to your specific needs.

How To Dog Proof Your Home While You're Away

Whether your dog is a puppy, a newly adopted pup, or a dog that’s been part of the family for years, be sure to add, “dog proof the house” to your to-do list before you’re off on your next vacation. Doing so can save you money on household damages or even more importantly, a trip to the vet when you buddy “got into something. No worries, we’ve got you covered!

Toxic Plants and Flowers To Avoid For Dogs And Cats

As a pet parent, it’s very important to be knowledgeable about which plants and flowers could be dangerous to your puppy pals and feline friends. Below is a list of the most common toxic plants that are dangerous for pets to consume.

Please note, this is not a complete list of all poisonous plants.

What To Do When Your Dog Jumps On You

Knowing how to react to your dog jumping on you is super important because our initial response tends to be the incorrect one. Whether you are the owner of a jumping pup or you have a friend who is trying to break their pooch of a hopping habit, it’s important to know how to react when the pup turns into a jumping bean.

The Best Pet Care In The Industry

Choosing care for your pet is important and can become a stressful task once you start reviewing all the options that are available. Finding a person, company, or facility that possesses a love for animals is a given but what about the other aspects that makes up quality pet care. Let’s break it down!

The Best Dog Harness For Pullers

There are many dog products on the market and with endless options, it can become overwhelming when deciding on what to use to walk your dog, particularly if you have a pup that pulls. As dog walkers, we have experienced just about every product on the market and we are going to share with you our #1 pick, especially if you have a “puller”.